Markup Comparison Document

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I recently discovered AsciiDoctor and I am trying now to switch my whole workflow to use this leightweight markup language. This is easy, if you do not need to use a certain tool. Writing documentation is such a task for me. Other tasks depend on a tool, that does not support AsciiDoc (yet).

As you can read in other posts on this blog I am using Redmine. For writing text in this project management tool you normaly use textile as the markup language. I managed to install a plugin / enhancement that allows me to use Markdown. So in my daily work I have to switch between AsciiDoctor and Markdown. This is not so hard, because the two markup languages have a very similar syntax. But I found myself often looking at the correct syntax for example to insert a link with a different text.

There is an additional tool that I use to document things about development and administration - MediaWiki. This widely used wiki plattform uses it’s own markup language called MediaWiki. The syntax of this markup language is not so likable like the other to languages. So I often have to look how things work in MediaWiki.

To make my work easier I created a document that compares the markup languages I use. The document works as a cheat sheet for me. I can have a short look and see for example how the formating of a link looks like in AsciiDoctor, Markdown oder MediaWiki.

The Markup Comparision Document is hosted on a GitHub repository. Feel free to copy and share the document. I you like you can make additions or add another markup language, that you use. Comments are also welcome.